I have been a middle class resident on Orcas Island for more than 20 years now. Some of you know me from when I worked in the Orcas Senior Center as “That Licensing Lady” (2005-2008). My experience working there as a representative of the San Juan County Auditor and Treasurer gave me some insight into the challenges facing our county government and the public it serves.

We live in a special place. Part of that “specialness”, for me, has been the civility of the public discourse. I hope that continues. Frankly, regarding this election, I see more commonalities with some of the candidates, rather than differences. I really like Rick Hughes as a person, and I am a customer of his business. He is a good guy. However, what intrigues me about Lisa Byers as a candidate are two things: her work experience and her personal character. I believe that Lisa’s time spent governing or managing a successful non-profit agency (which interfaces on a regular basis with our federal, state and county government agencies) has given her a unique skill-set that will translate exceedingly well to San Juan County governance. Now, couple that with an articulate personality, sharp mind, straightforward demeanor, and fair mindedness. What you get is a leader. That is Lisa Byers, a leader.


Cathy Ferran (aka Mackey and Leah’s Mom)