Bob Jarman  -- photo taken this weekend

Bob Jarman — photo taken this weekend

I would like to address the question of my health and whether or not I am fit to run for re-election to the County Council.  To quote Mark Twain, “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated”.  I am alive and well and healing nicely, thank you.  As anyone knows who has endured heart surgery, or has been around anyone recuperating from surgery, it’s a process.  It takes some time.

I had surgery almost four weeks ago. I am coming on strong!  I have attended the last two Council meetings via teleconference.  I am studying and working with my fellow Council members.  I will be at the next Council meeting in person.  I’ve given my “whole heart” to this Council job, and I am not about to give up.

In short….I’m back!!

Moving forward toward the general election, I will be reaching out to the voters on all the islands.  I believe in trying to preserve our communities, our rural character and our “Island Way of Life”.  I am not a career politician.  I am a working class person who wants to see this county get back on track and give government control back to all citizens, not just special interest groups.

While my first priority is fulfilling my obligations as a Council Member, I look forward to working with my friends and supporters in winning the general election on April 23rd.  Now that the court has reached a decision upholding Propositions 1, 2, and 3, the fight for my council position is on!  This is a very crucial election.  We have the opportunity to really make a difference in the way our county is run.  We must bring back fiscal responsibility and accountability to our citizens!  My opponent could not, or would not, do that in the four years she was in office.  Let’s not go backward by returning to the micromanagement style of the last four years.

I care about our county and our citizens.  I promise to give this job my all and represent my fellow citizens in the best possible way!

Bob Jarman
County Council Member, Dist. 1 San Juan Island