With all the hullabaloo associated with building construction, permits, approvals, zoning, EPRC recommendations, ADU’s, Growth Management, and all the other ‘stuff’ we constantly hear about new buildings and development, how about an idea that goes the other way?

Barry Madan has a brilliant idea, in my opinion: tear down Vern’s Bayside and turn the space into open waterfront viewing and community art. Well, to be honest, I added in the part about community art – Barry suggests we ask the Land Bank to purchase Vern’s, tear it down, clean up the site, and turn it back into the scenic spot it was decades ago, before all the construction. We are constricting and limiting the best thing about Eastsound – a world-class view down the Sound to the south.

Visitors don’t really come here to enter row upon row of shops, they can probably do that where they live. They come for the views and the vistas, and possibly a glimpse of the past. Let’s give it to them! That is what I would call progress.

Tom Welch

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