I don’t know who came up with the idea 20 years ago to march children and their pets through Eastsound, but I’m sure glad they did!  Grassroots  fundraisers  like Kaleidoscope’s Pet Parade are another reason we choose to live on this glorious island.  There aren’t many places where children AND their creatures are celebrated. Everyone’s a superstar on Parade Day! All 100 entries.

This event is only possible through the sponsorships of local businesses and individuals who understand the need to support an organization, like Kaleidoscope, that is vital to their community.  “Shop locally” is a term that I hear mentioned often. I hope you all make an effort to support the merchants that so graciously sponsored our Pet Parade categories.

They are:  Island Hardware & Supply, Islanders Bank, , Terra Firma NW, Island Market, Dr. Steven Bailey, Dr. Brenda Ivans, Orcas Veterinary Service, Aurora Company, , Realtors of Windermere, Kiwanis Club of Orcas Island, VanderYacht Propane, Orcas Excavators,Island Excavating, Orcas Family Health Center/Dr. Shinstrom & Staff, Orcas Island Physical Therapy, The Wareham Family, Evan’s Farm & Nursery, Orcas Island Family Medicine, Island Irrigation,Orcas Island Golf Course and San Juan Insurance.  Kaleidoscope realizes their sacrifice is more significant than in years past, and we especially appreciate their support during these tough economic times!

Special thanks to Pawki’s for providing goodie bags for all parade entries (check their website www.pawkis.com for photos of the event).  Our concession stand was also a success, thanks to The Lower Tavern for donating ALL the food-WOW!! The Kiwanis Club and our local police kept us all safe! And the day would not have been so smooth without the help of Nancy Schmidt and Kevin O’Brien overseeing the awards presentation.

I look forward to our 22st Annual Pet Parade and hope to see you all out again next year to celebrate our children, their pets and your community.

Thank you,
Amber Paulsen
Kaleidoscope Director