I am writing to express my wholehearted endorsement of Rick Hughes for San Juan County Council District #2. Having had the pleasure of opening Elusion Orcas Island Escape Room with his son Ricky in 2018, I can personally attest to the invaluable management and business insight Rick provided, which were crucial to our success.

As someone in my 20s, I am deeply invested in our county’s environmental future, resource management, and affordable housing for my generation. Rick Hughes has a proven track record of dedicated service to our community and a clear vision for addressing these critical issues. His efforts to tackle affordable housing in San Juan County demonstrate his commitment to making our community more accessible and sustainable for young people and future generations.

During the pandemic, Rick’s leadership at Ray’s Pharmacy ensured our county was one of the safest in the country by providing essential vaccines and access to much-needed COVID testing. Moreover, Rick’s commitment to renewable energy and environmental sustainability and his diligent work in our state capitol to secure funding for ferry system improvements showcase his comprehensive approach to addressing our community’s needs.

Experience is vital for our council, and Rick Hughes embodies the knowledge and dedication required to serve the people of San Juan County. I have full confidence in his ability to lead and make a positive difference.

Please join me in supporting Rick Hughes for San Juan County Council Member District #2.


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