Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week is May 3 – 7


Dear Teachers, Staff, and Administrators,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for all of the hard work you have put in over this past year to make Orcas Island School District the best that it can be. Your hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed but a simple thank you doesn’t seem adequate enough. It is hard to put into words just how thankful I am as a parent, a community member, and a School Board Director to have each of you in our School District. I have seen some amazing things happen at our school this past year and I could not be more proud. I am extremely happy with the way everyone has worked together and made this year happen. You buckled down when it was the hardest and you got it done, and you did it well! 

Think for a moment about the student perspective on this last year at school. Think of what those students saw, and what they learned as a result. They saw dedicated teachers showing up each day to do their job. Every day throughout this confusing, challenging year, they had a reliable teacher there to greet them and teach them, first online, and then back in person.

The students saw carefully thought out meals packed by dedicated staff each and every day. They saw devoted staff standing on the curbside, rain or shine, everyday handing out breakfasts, lunches, and weekend meals. When the students came back to campus they saw smiling eyes above those masks. They saw bus drivers who were happy to see them. They saw all of the changes and modifications to the school that the hard working janitorial staff put in while they were gone. They saw how organized and thought out every part of their day was. All of these things helped them feel safe and comfortable so they could continue learning. None of this could have happened without each and every one of the teachers, staff, and administrators at our school. It was a team effort. 

Therefore I would like to thank the entire team. Thank you for taking care of our children. Thank you for teaching them. Thank you for your leadership. Thank you for your kindness and your patience. Thank you for your inspiration. Thank you for being the light in the darkness. Our children watched you do this outstanding thing and they learned how to be better people because of you. 

I hope you will join me in saying thank you in a special way to a teacher or staff member who has made a difference in your life. Let’s flood them with love and appreciation for everything they do for our students and our community!

I am honored to serve as your School Board Chair in such an amazing community. There are no words to express the heartfelt gratitude I feel towards each and every one of you for what you do every day for our children. 

As a community we appreciate all that you do.

Keep up the good work! Thank you.