— from Walt Corbin —

Of all the communities that could shelter from the virus is Orcas and the other islands.

I have been delayed getting back home because of the virus but I was astounded to hear that daily dozens of workers on the OPAL project and the renovation at the Market are not only working shoulder to shoulder but come and go off island with no thought to their spreading the virus and perhaps the unforeseen death of an Island resident. This is shamefully short sighted.

Workers working on the Island should shelter on the Island. If they can’t do that then they must be tested before starting work every day. Apparently everyone involved with these projects is rightly concerned with delays in completion and its cost. However, what is happening is insane and county officials that are suppose to  be protecting their constituents should be brought to task for their dereliction of duty.

Are these projects more important than  the deaths of Island residents? Walter Corbin, alive and kicking in Florida.