Rick Hughes has a conflict of interest problem with regard to the proposed “Prune Alley improvements.” It literally jumps off the pages of The Orcasonian.

When Fred Klein attributed the elaborate street intersections to our “high priced Seattle consultants” (Orcasonian, 8/1/20), Rick set the record straight: those intersections were his idea, he said proudly. So Rick is, by his own admission, one of the architects of the proposal that he is now, as a member of the County Council, in the process of evaluating.

The public’s opposition to this plan is overwhelming. Fred’s Guest Opinion drew 28 responses, all supportive of Fred’s carefully considered critique of the plan. Rick Hughes’ intransigence in the face of the overwhelming objections of his constituents underscores the need to replace him on the County Council.

Fortunately, we will have that opportunity in the upcoming election in just a few weeks. Cindy Wolf has made her position on the Prune Alley proposal clear. (See her comments HERE.)

Cindy Wolf is well-informed, highly intelligent, and very active in the community. She will be a thoughtful representative. But, most importantly, she will listen to her constituents. She deserves your vote.