— from Donna Gerardi Riordan —

Mia gets Orcas. I know her and like her tremendously, so I reveal my bias upfront. She has lived and been a business owner here for decades, and has first-hand knowledge of the ebb and flow of this community. The Port needs that kind of insight now.

But what blew me away a couple of months ago was that she took the time to review in detail the Port’s plans and then write about them in an informative way that had only one goal: to inform all of us about what is going on. No bluster; no obfuscation. Just the facts as part of her personal exploration and desire to share what she learned with us. And her review, linked here, was a tremendous contribution – a service — to our collective understanding of what is going on with the Port, and why.

We need that kind of leadership on the Port Commission. The way that the slots are allotted for this kind of election means that another potentially thoughtful commissioner will not win. But we as voters do not make the rules; we just get to vote. I see no need to disparage her opponent based on rules set by others. (I’m saddened to see some others resort to those kinds
of comments in OI.) As individual voters, all we need to do is make our choice, and my vote will be for Mia because:

  • She’s smart as heck.
  • She knows this community inside and out, warts and all.
  • She does her homework and will ALWAYS be prepared.
  • She will attend meetings.
  • She will ask tough questions.
  • She will hold the Port accountable fiscally and insist on improving communications about what is going on and why.
  • She will share her vision for the future that is informed by reality: the essential balance of reasonable growth on our beloved Orcas with environmental concerns, and
  • If there’s ever going to be a candidate who will turn over every stone to explore the viability of small electric aviation in markets like Orcas, it is Mia. That’s an environmentally friendly and informed approach that would practice what we preach here on our little island jewel.

I’m all in for Mia. Our community will be better with her as a new, formidable Port Commissioner.

Vote. For. Mia.

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