Last week, my wife and I received our American Rescue Plan stimulus payments from the federal government, with gratitude for its efforts to jump start our pandemic-afflicted economy. There is no question that we have bills to pay and necessities to buy that could put this money immediately to work, as intended. But upon further reflection, we both realized that there are people on Orcas who have been more adversely afflicted by the pandemic and who have greater needs for this assistance than have we.

So we decided to donate the bulk of our stimulus payments to island nonprofits that can target them to those most in need. In my case, I plan to make a gift to the Orcas Community Resource Center (OCRC), for use in its emergency assistance program that helps islanders get through difficult and stressful times (of which there have been many over the past year and will likely be more before we can put the coronavirus behind us).

If you would like to join me, you can donate through the OCRC website (orcascrc.org) or send a check to OCRC, PO Box 931, Eastsound, WA, 98245.

Thanks for reading.