— from Carol Jo Enge —

Years ago, when I moved to Orcas Island, we knew the fire department was limited in abilities and skill, but we were young and it seemed like that was good enough. Today, it matters even more that we have a more professionally managed organization to protect our homes and our lives. They now respond to fire, rescues and medical emergencies, a much more daunting task.

My initial appreciation may have come in the 80s when my neighbor’s house burned down. Knowledge and expertise may have saved that house. We will never know that, but what I do know is that by having a well-trained fire department, our odds are greatly improved that our homes will be safe and our health will be supported. More recently I have had the benefit of several medical emergency calls and I feel like we have our own emergency room on wheels to come to our aid. The professional response and support was unbelievable. There is no financial value we can place on that when we or our family or friends need that assistance. Think about it – what would you pay to save your home or, more importantly, your life after the worst happens?

The support I want from the Fire Department costs money. However, I am aware that our Board of Commissioners and Chief O’Brien have spent careful time to keep the budget to necessary costs while allowing for the costs of needed training, equipment and personnel.

I am proud to support our department primarily manned by skilled volunteers. I will vote yes for the fire levy and hope my Orcas Friends will join me.