Given our choices, Stephanie O’Day is the hands-down better candidate to serve on San Juan County Council.  
As a practicing attorney, I can attest that the County’s regulatory appurati — are in most cases — entirely dysfunctional.  Stephanie knows where these problems lie and knows what steps can be taken to lead us out of the morass that previous administrations and staff have made.  Stephanie certainly is not perfect, but she has the experience and the tools to be part of the solution and not make matters worse.
On the other hand, Kari McVeigh’s record is entirely suspect, and you should only vote for her if you want more of the same cabalist form of governance and you think San Juan County is doing a bang-up job.  
I find it enormously troubling that the California Appellate Court went out of its way to note that McVeigh when serving as the Beverly Hills School District Superintendent described her relationship to the fraudster that bilked the District out of more than a million dollars as “friendly friends.”  See Strategic Concepts LLC v. Beverly Hills School Dist., 2d Civil B264478, (CA App. 2018).  
Courts — especially appellate courts — just do not comment on personal relationships like that unless they have a reason to do so.  In this case, it is obvious that the California Court was extremely wary of McVeigh’s ability to undertake her fiduciary
duties to the School District and rationally evaluate the business relationship that the fraudster had proposed to the District.
Please don’t vote for the fox to govern the henhouse.  Join me in voting for Stephanie O’Day.


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