I am a fulltime resident of Friday Harbor and an ardent supporter of Christine Minney for County Council. I believe that local government is not about politics; it is about public service, representation, authenticity, and island experience.

Christine is island authentic. She has lived on SJI for 24 years, raised her family here, built her home with help from Homes for Islanders and created a successful business, Ernie’s Café. She is an islander, and she has run her campaign true to her island values. For instance, NO SIGNS. Christine reveres our
environment, and she felt that producing signs that will end up in landfill long after the election is over did not make sense for her, and they did not represent who she is.

Christine has island experience. If you are raising your children here; if you have built your home here; if you have a business here, you know our islands have unique gifts, challenges and cultures. Christine knows these. She has personal experience with affordable housing challenges, transportation issues,
economic opportunities, and our social safety net.

Christine is not running for political office; she is running to serve our islands. No matter your political affiliation, she will work for you. And vote for her because she represents you, not a political party.