I am writing in support of District 2 SJC Council candidate Justin Paulsen, as I believe he understands that good leadership goes beyond personal ambition. In a recent conversation, Justin told me that he has long recognized that the most important person in a restaurant is the dishwasher, meaning that the County Council is only as effective as the 200+ County employees who keep the wheels of public service turning. 
Consider the Eastsound public restroom. The Facilities Manager and his staff are responsible for keeping those toilets flushing, not the three people who sit at the Council dais and tout their “leadership” and “experience” on the blizzard of glossy mail-outs stuffing your mailbox.  
As the race for SJC Council accelerates, I encourage you to consider the perspective of all the County employees who are affected every day by Council leadership either directly or tangentially. These are your friends, neighbors and fellow residents who actually do the heavy lifting to meet the complex needs of our community. They deserve respect and support. 
First, let me assure you that the combined talent of the SJC workforce is astonishing, and they persevere despite whoever is in office. Employees actually have to demonstrate relevant experience, education and aptitude for their positions. Elected officials come and go, but the staff remains. 
In my 14 years as Council Clerk, I worked with a variety of Council members and three county managers. While some members demonstrated respect toward staff across the board, others were dismissive or played favorites. Given that County employees may hesitate to speak publicly, ask them privately if you need confirmation. Justin did. 
It goes without saying that an effective leader sincerely models respect and expects that spirit of cooperation to be reflected by the County Manager, Human Resources, the Department Heads and straight down the chain of management. 
Justin understands true leadership means treating the dishwasher as a vital part of the team and I believe my former colleagues deserve a champion. I hope you will join me in support of Justin’s candidacy. 

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