— from Mia Kartiganer —

In my campaign I have tried to stay focused on the positive steps we can take for the benefit of our community, economy, and environment. Much like the intention of a master plan, I am focused on the future, the future of possibility and the plans we make today for a healthy and thriving tomorrow. Given where we are now in terms of unchecked growth and a seemingly cavalier attitude towards our environment, isn’t it time we stopped allowing the same people to keep running things, from one commission to another, board after board?

Here are my “Won’ts”;

  • I won’t assume I am the smartest person in the room.
  • I won’t take credit for other people’s work.
  • I won’t misrepresent someone’s ideas so that I may explain them away.
  • I won’t use the Port Commission as a stepping stone towards higher political goals.
  • I won’t be rude or insulting to people who disagree with me.
  • I will never tell you that I alone have the ability to ascertain what is wrong and fix it.

There are five Port Commissioners in a system that is inherently designed to be collaborative, as it should be, given that we all own this airport and the decision making is meant to be done based on our collective voices.

Please be sure to vote. It does count. It can make a difference. Raise your voices.