— from Marla Johns —

This letter is written in a resounding and unwavering support for Wes Heinmiller as Fire Commissioner. I have had the privilege to watch Wes over the past few years as he quietly and thoughtfully considered this position. It was not one he jumped into lightly, nor should it be.

As the third largest business in the San Juan’s, the fire commissioners need to be strong, business minded people. They are tasked with managing the budgetary considerations for the Department and are the people who hold fiduciary responsibility for our money. Wes’ long history of very successful business operation have prepared him for that responsibility. Any newly elected Commissioner will have a learning curve; but Wes is more than prepared. Even this week, Wes has attended the Annual Fire Commissioners Meeting in order to network with other agencies and acquire new information to bring back to Orcas Island.

His commitment to excellence in his personal, professional and civic life are what set Wes apart. I look forward to watching the growth and development under a Commission which will be honored to have Wes Heinmiller on board. I urge you to cast your vote today – “SAY YES TO WES” as your next Fire Commissioner.