In an exchange on Rant & Rave Jim Skoog wrote… “King Sisters Preserve is across the county road from me. Not bordering. and Please get your facts straight!” I agree. Lets get some facts straight. Using the county web site and parcel search look up parcel # 351714005000. That is Jim Skoogs property. Now look up parcel # 351731001000. That’s the King Sisters Preserve Jim says is across the county road from his property. Not bordering.

Looking at the parcel search map of properties note that the SW corner of parcel 351714005000 (Jim Skoogs property) shares a border with the NE corner of parcel 351731001000 (the King Sisters Preserve/Land Bank property). What does this illustrate? It illustrates Jim Skoog doesn’t understand who borders his own property. …who needs to get their facts straight?


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