— from Catherine Pederson —

Dr. Diane Boteler brings over 20 years of experience serving medical needs on Orcas Island. She is uniquely qualified to assess the needs of both patients and medical providers in our isolated – not always readily accessible – island location. We are neither suburban nor rural. Our needs are different – Diane knows and understands this.

Diane’s medical expertise as she served in several medical capacities on Orcas – as both a caring and knowledgeable family physician, and as an administrator – enable her to perceive and evaluate the medical needs of our community.

Diane’s extensive medical involvement includes work in rural Africa where her responsibilities included administrative as well as medical skills – giving her a broad range of experience which increase the value of her contributions as a highly qualified Hospital District Commissioner
Diane is uniquely qualified to bring her knowledge of these needs to our island community to enlighten and contribute to the financial expertise of other candidates.

Join me in casting your vote for Diane Boteler – and provide us with the broadest possible range of abilities and experience to the establishment of our Orcas Island Hospital District.