One of our members, Dr. Chris White, let me know yesterday that he is seeing a huge rise in the number of people either self-testing positive with covid or having been in contact with folks who are.  Most of this is not getting officially reported.  He suggested that we alert as many people as we can to take some added precautions right now, such as wearing masks when in crowded public places, like the grocery store.

An added step for us, especially with current road conditions, is to encourage folks who are feeling ill and have prescriptions they need to pick up, is to reach out to groups like us to assist them.  It keeps them out of the general public and also off the current bad roads.  A number of us do have vehicles that will allow us to safely assist these folks by picking up any medications they may need.  Rick Hughes also mentions that Ray’s Pharmacy is happy to walk prescriptions out to folks in their cars so they don’t have to come into the store.

So, the message here is that if you or someone you know needs help, please reach out by emailing sunrisevolunteers@orcaslions.org.