— from Dale Heisinger —

UPDATE: In my rush to get out a thank you from COHC, I inadvertently gave the results of the San Juan Island School Levy  instead of the results of the vote for PHD #3, Orcas Island.  The total votes cast for the PHD was 1886 with a 76.9% yes vote.  Congratulations to everyone………we still won.  –Dale Heisinger

Over a year ago, conversations with a few Orcas Islanders generated the formation of a coalition for the purpose of campaigning for a Public Hospital District and the desire to have sustainable and predictable healthcare services for immediate and future healthcare needs. Those efforts were rewarded last Tuesday when 1778 voters (~72%) voted yes to form Public Hospital District #3 and elect its first five commissioners.

It was always the desire of the Coalition to provide reliable and factual information in a transparent way utilizing as many different vehicles to reach as many islanders as possible.

Many have thanked us for our efforts; however, the real thanks should go to those of you who supported our efforts and voted for the PHD. The questions asked of us at our various venues, on our website, and in private conversations, clearly indicated a desire by you for accurate information and being informed as you determined how you would vote.

So, on behalf of the Coalition for Orcas Healthcare, we want to thank you for your participation in this process, for your desire to be informed, and for your vote. In addition, I want to thank all those who stepped forward as candidates as well as the many other organizations that assisted us in this campaign. We clearly have a more secure healthcare future thanks to you.