— from Randall K. Gaylord and Marny Gaylord —

I am voting “Yes” on both the Orcas School District bond and levy in the November election. The bond is for necessary improvement of the buildings.

The levy will pay for the field improvements in just six years. The new design preserves existing uses of the fields for baseball, softball, football and soccer. The emphasis will be on providing safe fields for our kids to use. But best of all, the new design allows the district to accept the gift of a track.

A track provides opportunities for students regardless of whether their sport is track, soccer, or golf. It is a great place for improving physical fitness. It will also be available in all weather for walkers, runners, and people of all ages regardless of current fitness.

There is no substitute for a track. Orcas roads are narrow with no few shoulders and big ditches. Our trails are nice, but only the most fit can manage the terrain safely in all weather conditions.

Lopez and San Juan Island school districts have had tracks for decades. With the generous gift it will be easy have a track on Orcas. Please vote Yes for BOTH the bond AND levy.