— from Rick Hughes —

The Orcas Public Library is one of the most important places for our community. It serves as a place to learn, relax, gather and be informed. Our library is a much-loved resource, providing equal access to information, community, and culture for every islander, birth to senior.

Four years ago, the library board began a thoughtful process of studying data and surveying the community to determine if there was a need for expansion. They learned that we want a library with more room for children and young adults, more room for quiet reading, more room for meeting and study, more room for technology, and more room for books. A year ago, they invited us to participate in a design process that produced an addition that honors the beauty and integrity of the current library while nearly doubling its size.

This is our library! Private donations and grants have put us 83% of the way to fully funding the expansion. Now It is our turn to step up with an “Approve” vote, November 8, for the library levy.

Construction proceeds on-budget and on-schedule, with a completion date of early summer 2017. Join me in voting “Approve,” November 8.