— from Spirit Eagle —

I believe that the Dakota Access Pipeline which is being forced upon the Lakota people and the people of several states along the Missouri River is “the line in the sand” for the people of this country and for our precious Mother Earth. Spiritually, this is about the citizens of this country and the values many of us have grown up with and treasured. Respect for the land and the waters and air that sustains us. By allowing big oil and gas companies to rape our lands, and to suck every drop of oil, gas and coal from the Earth is an abomination perpetrated upon the generations to come, to say nothing about this present generation. How many people do you know who are dying right now or have died from cancer and other odd maladies that were unheard of fifty years ago? I know plenty of them.

Standing Rock is about spiritual values. It is about all of the people re-affirming their spiritual connection within themselves, with the Earth and with humanity. It is about courage to do what one is called to do! We, as a country have sat back and ignored the perils that people here and elsewhere have been subjected to because of our comfortable lifestyles that have been brought about by these Cro-Magnon fossil fuels. All of the free energy inventors have been either threatened and/or apparently killed (do the research). Fossil fuels are big business. Why do you think there are no decent candidates running for national elections?

With that said, the following is an article from Indian Country Today. Do as your conscience and budget dictates: Manning: Planning to Travel to Standing Rock? Now Is The Time