— by Walt Corbin —

There appears to be little concern on the part of County leadership in addressing the matter of future planning for the County, as required under the Growth Management Act. Unfortunately many citizens are complacently comfortable in the warm waters of summer, not realizing that the increasing temperature of growth may create an extremely unpleasant outcome.

I have asked the Council members to address the planning issue with meetings on all Islands beginning in September, preceded by information as to projected growth, its impact on Islands resources, and ways that such growth can be mitigated so as not to diminish the quality of island life. Hopefully the Council and planning staff will have meetings that allow working people to come and express their views.

Also of import is the availability of communications between the closed circuit TV in the Council chamber and the libraries on Orcas and Lopez. This would preclude the necessity of people in those communities having to go to Friday Harbor to learn about the planning process and offer their point of view.

Planned growth is sensible and needed, growth with no plan can wreck havoc with our communities. It is important for citizens to express their concerns by attending the hopefully planned meetings and encourage the Council to be more proactive in the planning process.