— from Velma Doty —

It is not easy to support the school bond for more dollars to finish the long range improvements, after all it looks so great now, and to us on the outside we can say “good enough.”

Is it wise to postpone this next phase ? Will we pay more later ? Has the school board and the committees hastily decided to push for the completion at this time ?

In asking for the bond to complete Phase 111 at this time, the school board has decided the investment for our children and our dollars is best done now to complete the project .

There are four walkthroughs and information opportunities to take throughout the facility to find out what is being proposed: January 20, 21, 28, and 30. Times vary to be accommodating. Please take advantage of these to know the Whats and Whys of this decision by the school board in putting this bond to vote.

I put my trust in those who have aided in the process over the years to get us to the finish line. It is their dollars involved also. I will check the yes box on my ballot. Hope you will also.