— from Steve Vierthaler —

While I am not a big library user, I do recognize the important value the library gives to our community. I have been retired for over 4 years now after serving for 35 plus years with the San Juan Co. Sheriffs Office, and now live on a fixed income.

I estimate the library levy would add a little over $40.00 a year to my property taxes.Our local library has books, computers, magazines, music, DVDs and even good old fashion maps!. How many of those items could you buy for $40.00 a year? I have known most of the staff there for several years and I have seen how hard they work to help all library users, young and old.

While I, like most others, don’t want to see more taxes, I feel that things come along that need our support, such as our own library, and I ask all to support the levy and vote Yes.