— from Catherine Pederson —

Yes, Let’s Pass the Bond! Comparison of the well designed and implemented work done through the last School Bond – with the present uncompleted portions of that project – clearly show that we still have work to do. This Bond gives us the opportunity to do that.

A walk through our school during a school day is a wake-up call that our students are bright, caring, friendly, full of eagerness to learn. They are taught throughout the day by dedicated, talented teachers. But, they need us, as a community to provide them with improved surroundings that demonstrate to them how important they and their education are to all of us.

All safety issues need to be addressed in buildings and surrounding grounds. As well, let’s provide a music, multi-purpose room in which string players have space to draw their bows across the strings, essential work to assure that our highly valued Old Gym receives critically needed repairs and renovation, high school heating and water improvements, electronic doors to enable all students to move independently through the buildings and well-designed athletic field improvements to accommodate the new track.

As the parent of four Orcas high school graduates, I still care passionately about our Orcas School. I’ve seen extraordinary growth in all ways since our last family graduation in 1980 – and here’s an opportunity to continue to assure that it grows to be even better!

Vote YES on the School Bond