— from Anne Marie Shanks —

Our current OPALCO Board is making our Islands a safer place to work and live.  By expanding a communication backbone, our OPALCO workcrews can monitor our energy delivery system in real-time. This communication system enhances worker safety and saves members money.

Our workers, friends and family will be safer.  First responders will be able to access this comprehensive countywide communication to help all of us in times of emergency. This hits home for my neighbors in Spring Point.  Last summer during a trial emergency drill, first responders could not communicate because there was no reliable communication system.

We all remember the economic damage and safety issues our community experienced when Centurylink lost access to our Islands. OPALCO Board Members like Vince Dauciunas and Glenna Hall put in motion plans to protect our community.Dauciunas, an expert in electricity and technology, is willing to help each member understand OPALCO’s communication platform. Hall brings her analytical judicial experience to the Board insuring members receive a robust, reliable infrastructure.

Let’s keep this OPALCO Board, they are working for each members health and safety.  Vote.