— from Dr. Camille Fleming & John Fleming —

While my husband would like to talk about the bond addressing aging building infrastructure and bone-jarring rip-the-bumper-off-our-van trips through the high school parking lot, I would rather write about student and community health and well-being.

The school athletic fields have been home to physical education and athletics for our community. While watching soccer, football, and baseball we have seen that the conditions of the OISD playing fields are deteriorating. We now have teams avoiding certain practice fields because the surface is uneven and players are prone to ankle and knee injuries playing on degraded fields.

Let’s come together and pass this levy. The levy provides the opportunity to properly construct playing fields which will hold up better to usage and weather AND it gives the community an opportunity to accept the generous gift of a track.

Current evidence suggests the more physical activity students participate in, the better their academic performance is, too. We’re in support of smarter, safer, fitter, and happy students and community.

Please support our schools by voting YES before November 7th.