— from Islands Oil Spill Association —

Thanks to the generosity of the San Juan Island Community Foundation (SJICF), each of us has a special opportunity to help Islands’ Oil Spill Association purchase a much-needed new outboard motor for the Green Heron, IOSA’s landing craft that is staged at the Port of Friday Harbor.

The new motor will replace the 29-year-old 115-hp outboard that is currently on the Green Heron.  This vessel is designated as one of two IOSA vessels that would work together to meet the first 2- and 3-hour response requirements mandated for San Juan County by the Department of Ecology.

Recognizing the increased needs of IOSA to keep our spill response equipment dependable and ready to go at a moment’s notice, the San Juan Island Community Foundation has offered a matching grant for a special fund-raising campaign, in addition to the initial $5,000 grant we received.

Donations made to SJICF in IOSA’s name during the San Juan County Fair, August 17 through August 20, 2016, will be generously matched by the Community Foundation at 50 cents on every dollar of the first $1,676 donated.  We still have $8,917 to raise to have enough for the motor and installation.

Please help us raise the funds needed for the Green Heron’s new motor!

Please NOTE: To be eligible for this matching grant program, donations MUST be made during the dates of the fair listed above and be made to the San Juan Island Community Foundation directly, either:

1)     In person at the SJICF Fair booth, with a check made payable to SJICF and a note in the memo line stating that it is “for IOSA’s new outboard motor;”

2)     A check is mailed, during the fair dates, to the SJICF noting in the memo line it is for IOSA’s new outboard motor, to PO Box 1352, Friday Harbor, WA 98250, or;

3)     By credit card through the Giving Center on the Foundation’s website at: www.sjicf.org.

Please remember that these donations must be made during the Fair dates of August 17-20, 2016 in order to be matched by the Foundation.

Thank you so much for helping to support our efforts to keep our waters and beaches clean as much as possible and for helping us benefit from this unique matching grant opportunity offered by the SJICF.

website: www.iosaonline.org  (check on the website for some great pictures of the Green Heron)
email:  iosaoffice@rockisland.com