— from Justin Paulsen —

In June of last year, our School District celebrated the retirement of multiple staff members who have contributed to and been part of the lives of our children for many years.  There were numerous events and multiple chances for us to publically acknowledge the years of service of each of these individuals.  Unfortunately, outside of all of the fanfare and celebration, the staff member who probably deserved the greatest acknowledgement of all was excluded.

It is safe to say that this staff member has worked more days, attended more extracurricular events and been a part of more students lives than any other current employee of the Orcas Island School District – possibly ever.  For over 35 years she has safely transported multiple generations of families as a trusted and reliable bus driver, executing her duties in a way that few noticed but many relied upon.  Mixed in with this she has served as a trainer, student advisor, mother, grandmother and great grandmother, sharing each of these roles with our community.

And so it is with very little fanfare but a great deal of thanks, appreciation and gratitude that I would like to thank Joyce Nigretto for everything that she has done for our children and for our Island over the years.  For every off-island trip, for every time you navigated snow covered roads, for every child who arrived home safe and secure from a day at school…  THANK YOU!

Enjoy your retirement Joyce!  You’ve earned it!