— by Catherine Pederson —


Our School Music Program is facing a crisis situation!

You probably received a postcard in the mail last week thanking islanders for the completion of the last two years’ Phase II Building project. It included one music classroom – now used by the Band program. The need for two classrooms has been expressed but the second has not been built.

The need for a second classroom is greater now than ever! All music groups will increase this coming year — the music program is flourishing and growing in numbers. More space is needed — not less!

The existing space now houses all of Pamela Wright’s classes and elementary school classes. It is located in the elementary building. This space is not adequate for the size of the incoming string classes. They simply will not fit.

The space also houses all elementary music classes — grades K – 4. Two existing, alternative spaces are proposed in the Phase III Bond Proposal. Both are smaller in square footage than the present music classroom and present additional unworkable problems.

What can YOU do?

Attend the public meetings called by the school board this week:

  • Monday, August 15 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the School Library
  • Tuesday, August 16 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the School Library

School board members and Superintendent Eric Webb will present the bond proposal and conduct tours of the school buildings to show the needs for maintenance, repairs, the track proposal and needs for growth in the music program

We are all looking for solutions for the expanding music program’s need for more and adequate space — well-designed for the needs of music teachers and students!

It is crucial that we voice our concerns in a positive, constructive way! Everyone is looking for affordable solutions that our community will support. Come to these two important meetings and invite your friends to speak up in support of the critical needs of our school music program!

School Music Matters!

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