— from Art Lange —

I am writing in response to the statements made by the Orcas Island Fire Department and by our OIFR Commissioners in The Sounder and Orcas Issues about the investigation and report commissioned by the OIFR Commissioners that led to the resignation of our Fire Chief, Mik Preysz. The report is a serious misrepresentation of the truth and is replete with inaccuracies and distortions. If the report was full of distortions and inaccuracies that were both positive and negative, it could be attributed to incompetence. Unfortunately, virtually every distortion and inaccuracy was designed to discredit the Chief.

I was interviewed by the investigator. What I said was misrepresented, distorted and outright fabricated in the report. I have identified over 30 misrepresentations in the report just from what I know to be true about what I said in my interview. The Chief was also interviewed by the investigator. He also has stated that what he said was misrepresented, distorted and outright fabricated. It is reasonable to believe that the statements of some of the others who were interviewed were also likely misrepresented.

A fundamental question is: why would an investigator do such a thing? Did the Commissioners convey, directly or indirectly, to the investigator that they needed a report that would lead to the Chief’s leaving? Given the manner in which the Commissioners handled the entire process, it is very possible that they had a goal in mind before they engaged this investigator’s services (just after removing another investigator they had already hired).

A second fundamental question is: Why would the Commissioners have such an agenda to get rid of the Chief? Were they covering their own vulnerability for the botched manner in which they have handled the whole process? Were there conflicts of interest for any Commissioners? Were they over-reacting to negative information provided by a few people who had agendas of their own? All of these possible explanations have substantial bases in facts.

I do not question the Commissioner’s right to fire anyone in the Fire Chief’s position with just cause. What I question is the manner in which they went about ‘investigating” which resulted in a massively inaccurate report which led to the Chief’s resignation.

I believe that this whole process has been a travesty of justice and fairness. In all my 30+ years of working as a consultant to public and private organizations I have never seen a more biased “hatchet job” performed on someone. A good man’s career has been ruined.

The Commissioners should be held accountable for their abuse of their position and for their actions.