Sunday, April 26 at 11:30 a.m. at Emmanuel Episcopal Church

— by Betty Bartleson —

Don Liebich is the author of a book, Fault Lines: A Layman’s Guide to Understanding America’s Role in the Ever-Changing Middle East, that explains the fault lines that have often plagued U.S. efforts to protect its national interests in the region and how these ongoing faults have led to a precipitous decline in American influence.

From the author:
“In 2003, as I began the first of a series of trips to the Middle East, I discovered something curious: what I was seeing and learning in my travels generally did not correspond with what was being fed to me by U.S. media sources. As the discrepancies between what I observed and what I “knew” from home became more obvious, I began, in 2006, recording my thoughts and experiences as they related to the dynamics of the Middle East region. By writing and posting a regular blog on my Memos from the Mountains blog site, I gave myself the opportunity to discern truth from fiction and to determine for myself what I actually believed was happening in Middle Eastern affairs. These blogs, along with comments offered by my readers, have proved to be a useful device as I work to understand all sides of what, at times, can be complex issues.”

Don has traveled to the Middle East numerous times in the past twelve years. He has been involved with economic development, citizen diplomacy and human rights projects in Jordan, Israel/Palestine including the West Bank, UAE and Iran. He has conducted seminars and taught courses on Islam, U.S. Middle East foreign policy and Iran.

Book Signing at Darvill’s Bookstore at 1 p.m.