— from Douglas Wagoner, Rep. Rick Larsen’s Office —

Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) today released the following statement after President Trump announced America will exit the Paris climate accord – an agreement between 195 countries to slow the effects of global climate change.

“Withdrawing the United States from the Paris climate accord is a grave mistake,” Larsen said. “Scientists, private sector companies, and leaders from nearly every country on the globe agree: the changing climate threatens life on Earth. The President has a responsibility to do everything he can at home and on the global stage to protect the American people from that threat. Today, he abdicated that responsibility.”

In 2014, Larsen authored an op-ed in the Bellingham Herald in which he spoke to the importance of U.S. and Chinese involvement in mitigating climate change, and said the “the only real way to make meaningful progress toward mitigating the effects of climate change is for countries to work together.”