Steve Cohan during restoration of Judd Cove Lime Kiln. Photo courtesy of  Gail Johannes

Saturday, July 21 at 1 p.m. at Fowler’s Way Trailhead  

The County Land Bank will sponsor a walk to the Judd Cove Preserve Lime Kiln Interpretive Walk with Boyd Pratt & Steve Cohan that is sure to delight anyone interested in the cultural history of Orcas Island.

Boyd Pratt is an architectural historian from San Juan Island and an expert on the lime industry in the islands. His extensive research coupled with a delightful storytelling style brings to life the fascinating process of quarrying and processing limestone in the 19th century.

Steve Cohan, the stone mason responsible for restoration of the Judd Cove lime kiln, will also come along to explain and demonstrate the use of lime in the preparation of fine mortars.

Time: 2 hours (1 – 3 pm)
Distance: 0.4 mile round trip
Elevation gain: 100 feet
Parking: Trailhead Parking via Fowler’s Way< >Bring: Trail-appropriate footwear

For questions, call 376-3384, ore email