Thursday, June 5 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall

 — from the Eastsound Planning Review Committee —

Agenda for June 5 joint meeting of the Eastsound Planning and Review Committee (EPRC) and the County Development and Planning Department (CD&P) is as follows:

  • 4 p.m. Call to order
    Introduction of guests: Colin Maycock, Senior Planner of SJ Co
  • 4:03 Approval of minutes of May 1 meeting and working session May 15
  • 4:05 Public Input and Additions to Agenda
  • 4:15 Old Business
    • EPRC and CD & P present final draft of Eastsound Subarea Plan to public
    • EPRC presents the opportunities of the plan — Gulliver Rankin/Fred Klein/Teri Williams
    • CD&P presents the county’s process and next steps — Colin Maycock

Public Comment

Action Items- EPRC to draft summary for June 20th meeting of Planning Commission

New business

Recent structures on North Beach Rd – design standards Fred Klein/John Campbell/Clyde Duke

Public Comment

7 p.m. Meeting Adjourn