— from JoEllen Moldoff —

JoEllen Moldoff will facilitate “Telling Our Stories: The Practice of Memoir Writing” for four Tuesdays, November 28, December 5, 12, 19 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Public Library.

Memoir writing engages us in self-discovery.  With an open mind, we can allow our memories to unearth some of the hidden treasures of our lives.
In this class we will explore the elements and craft of memoir writing by reading and discussing memoirs and relevant poems.  Writing exercises will be offered to help trigger memories and inspire and shape new writing.

Class size is limited. If you are interested, please plan to attend all four classes!
To register, email moldoff@rockisland.com. (If the class fills, I will set up a waiting list.)

Fee: $20 for copying costs and donation to the library, payable at the first class (cash, or check to JoEllen Moldoff).