from Dyanne Dalrymple

Tuesday, October 1, 9:30 -11:30 am, Orcas Grange

Ready or not, here it comes—Winter. San Juan Conservation District can help you winterize your pastures.

Ready or not, here it comes—Winter. San Juan Conservation District can help you winterize your pastures.

FREE WORKSHOP: Fresh Ideas on Creating Winter Confinement Areas for Horses & Livestock

Get a jump on winter and make the rainy season easier! Learn how to winterize your property, beat mud and become more chore-efficient at a time of year when it counts the most. This popular presentation provides fresh ideas and innovative techniques on creating winter confinement areas for horses and livestock.

Do you hate keeping your horses or livestock tucked away in a confinement area all winter, or watch as your pastures turn to muck and mud? Learn how innovations in confinement areas, such as track paddocks, trail courses and slow feeders can be a chore-efficient way for you to help keep your animals mentally stimulated, mud-free and healthy all winter long. Get advice on resources to use to create your own winter confinement area that meets your specific needs. Alayne Blickle from Horses for Clean Water gives this very popular presentation.

For questions or to register, please contact Dyanne via email, or call 360-378-6621.