— from Governor Jay Inslee —

Gov. Jay Inslee issued a statement today on the Canadian National Energy Board’s recommendation that the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion should go forward.

“The Canadian Energy Board’s own analysis found that this pipeline would be detrimental to the survival of the Southern Resident orcas, increase greenhouse gas emissions and worsen global climate change. Yet they still recommended that the expansion move forward. This is deeply irresponsible. While they may think this is in Canada’s best interests, this is not in the best interests of the people of Washington or of the world.

“The Washington State Department of Ecology has submitted concerns about the pipeline’s impact to our shared international waters. I continue to stand with them and urge the Canadian government to reconsider.

“We have a good working relationship with Canada and the province of British Columbia, where we recently reiterated our support for shifting our region to a clean energy economy. Now is the time to protect our orcas and combat climate change, not invest in long-term fossil fuel infrastructure that would increase our emissions.”
