Gov. Jay Inslee signed a historic climate change legislative package [Monday] during a three-stop tour through King County.

The governor signed the Climate Commitment Act, environmental justice legislation, a clean fuels standard and bills related to reducing Washington’s single-use plastic waste and hydrofluorocarbon pollution. The governor also vetoed sections

“We’ve got a heck of a job to do in the years to come. Our climate commitment, made by our legislature in 2020, is to cut climate pollution by over 50% in the next nine years, on our pathway to net-zero climate pollution by 2050. It won’t be easy, but these bills go a long ways to getting us there,” Inslee said. “Today we commit to our kids and grandkids to do the hard work, so that they will have good jobs and a safe, healthy future, here in our beautiful home state.”

Inslee was joined by legislators, tribal members, community members and organizations, and other stakeholders as he signed legislation that secured Washington’s top position in the country battling the climate change crisis.

The governor also issued partial vetoes for HB 1091 and SB 5126.

Read the rest of the story on the governor’s Medium page.