Gov. Jay Inslee today rescinded his November 2020 Travel Advisory and is advising Washingtonians and others visiting Washington to comply with the Center for Disease Control’s current COVID-19 travel advisory guidance.

On November 13, 2020, due to the increasing incidence of COVID-19 in many states and countries, Inslee issued a travel advisory for persons arriving in Washington from out of state, and Washingtonians returning from other states or countries. That document advised: (1) those returning to Washington from other states or countries should self-quarantine for 14 days after arrival; and, (2) it encouraged Washingtonians to avoid non-essential out-of-state travel.

Current CDC guidance is more robust, thorough, and specific than the November 2020 travel advisory, and is regularly updated to reflect the latest science, optimal safety practices and protocols, and the current COVID-19 situation here and abroad.

Read the full language here.