— from Mark Mayer —

This weekend is the final push for gathering signatures for these three initiatives. All of these initiatives have strong support from progressives throughout the state. 

Signature gathering will be taking place this weekend at the ferry landing on both days, the farmers market on Saturday and in front of the Co-op on Sunday. The deadline to turn in petitions is early next week. With your help, we will get this done. 

I-1600 would provide universal healthcare in our state, saving us an estimated $9 billion per year. 

I-1631 would assess a fee (not a tax) on large polluters, shifting that money to be used to sponsor clean energy and clean energy jobs and helping us in our transition off of fossil fuels.

I-1639 would institute much needed gun reforms in Washington State.

These measures will only appear on the ballot if enough signatures can be gathered by the end of June. People throughout the state are helping, and you can help here in San Juan County. 

If you have been waiting for a worthwhile campaign in which to get involved, this is the one (actually three).  

Thank you, and let’s make a difference in San Juan County.