— from Paul Kamin, EWUA Manager —

Eastsound Water Users Association (EWUA) is hosting a membership meeting on Wednesday April 29th between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. at the Orcas Fire Hall.

So what is on tap for the meeting?

  • Learn what’s going on inside our 600,000 gal water tank
  • Review the staff report on the significant water system improvements completed in 2014
  • Review the results of a recent membership survey
  • Learn about where your water system is headed as we begin our next “Water System Plan” effort
  • Meet, visit, and VOTE for EWUA Board of Directors candidates
  • Take our water taste test, learn about your water quality, leak detection and conservation ideas.

Current Urban Growth Area plans focus a great deal of the island’s growth within the Eastsound Water service area. EWUA has been planning for this growth, and expects that in the coming 20 years demand for service from EWUA will double. This will be a challenge, but EWUA is ready to step up to this challenge.

I believe it is important for our members to know that EWUA will not be expecting its current members to “foot the bill” for this expansion. Any expansion of the EWUA system is being planned at the expense of future members. We are exploring a variety of promising options for securing additional water sources to meet this demand.

I want to encourage members to plan on attending our annual meeting. This is your water system, and I can honestly say that I know your input is greatly valued by our Board of Directors.

For more information, visit the EWUA offices at 286 Enchanted Forest Road, email from eastsoundwater.com/EWUAContact, call 376-2127  or go to  eastsoundwater.com.