Diane Ludeman on her way to assist in Hurricane Irene clean-up

From the Islands Chapter, American Red Cross

Red Cross assists in the aftermath of  Orcas Island fire, too

On the Sunday before Labor Day, Diane Ludeman, a member of the Islands Chapter of the American Red Cross Disaster Action Team, here on San Juan Island deployed to White Plains, New York to work as a Client Case Worker. There she will spend three weeks helping Hurricane Irene’s victims cope with and begin to recover from the devastating conditions they find themselves in. Diane has been a Red Cross Volunteer for several years and is also a member of the Logistics Team on San Juan Island.

Closer to home, Bob and Linda Barnhart, also members of the Islands Chapter of the American Red Cross Disaster Action Team here on San Juan island, deployed to Orcas Island as Client Assistant Caseworkers, to assist a client whose house, on Orcas, caught fire. Although there is actually an ARC DAT member on Orcas, she is presently in South Carolina caring for her family who sustained flooding caused by Irene.

Whether it is across the country or across the Sound, American Red Cross Volunteers are here to serve those people in need because of disasters.

Those interested in joining The Islands Chapter of the American Red Cross, may contact Arlin Rothauge, Mass Care Supervisor and Unit Manager, at 378-6500.

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