"Still Here: Orcas Island from the Back Roads," Photography Show by Anita Holladay -- Opening Reception Thursday, Oct. 21 at 5 p.m.

Anita Holladay hosts a slide show of  images from her photography exhibit, “Still Here: Orcas Island from the Back Roads,” this Thursday at 6 p.m.at the Senior Center.

A reception will start the evening at 5 p.m.

In the 25-minute slide show, Holladay will show some of her favorite images of the last few years spent traveling all over Orcas reading electric meters. She says, “Now that job has ended, it seems like a good time to pull together the pictures of mostly old things, quirky things, scenes and details that make up a collective picture of the island that is perhaps a little different than what most folks see every day.

“In the framed photos, I’m trying out some new collage/mosiac techniques that I’m excited by. So please join me for some refreshments and see the show. If you can’t make it during that time, the exhibit will be up through the 28th.”

The Senior Center is open 9 to 4 on weekdays.

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