Anita Holladay’s most recent photo exhibit, called Still Here: Orcas Island from the Back Roads, has moved to the Public Library for the month of November. Check out both the ends of the stacks (center aisle only) and the conference room.

In some of the framed photos, Holladay’s trying out some exciting new collage/mosiac techniques that I’m excited by. Thanks to the Camera Club securing space for members to exhibit.

“Many people who saw my half-hour slide show at my reception in October really encouraged me to show it again, so I am,” says Holladay.

“The 350+ photos are some of my favorite images taken in the last few years spent traveling all over Orcas as I did my electric meter reading. Now that job has ended, it seems like a good time to pull together the pictures of mostly old things, quirky things, scenes and details that make up a collective picture of the island that is a little different than what most folks see every day.”

The slide show will happen at the Library in Eastsound, Saturday, November 20, promptly at noon, and it’s free