Dr. Sandra Matheson will present Holistic Management for Farm Planning and Profitability, a two-day Introductory Workshop, on Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 19 and 20, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Friday Harbor’s Skagit Valley College campus.

Holistic Management (HM) is a decision-making framework that can be learned like any other skill. People who manage holistically can realize an improved quality of life and generate real wealth, while at the same time improving the land and community around them.

This workshop will benefit anyone who wants consistent profit from agriculture, a high quality of life, and more time to enjoy it. In short HM is a way to have fun, make money, and conserve our natural resource base, all at the same time.

The workshop is intended for those with some knowledge of HM as well as those new to this approach. Participants will learn about Ecosystem Processes, Holistic Goal Setting, Financial and Land Planning, Decision Making, Monitoring and Implementation.

The presenter, Sandra Matheson is a rancher, Certified Educator in Holistic
Management, group facilitator, retired veterinarian, writer, and documentary filmmaker,who lives and farms near Bellingham, Wash.

Cost for the workshop is $86 per person, which includes instruction, light snacks, and take-home materials. Seating is limited to 25 registered participants! (Registrations received after Feb. 9th, must include a $100 registration fee.) Payment is due upon registration.

Registration forms are available on-line (sanjuanislandscd.org) or by requesting one from the WSU Extension or Conservation District Office (378-4414 or 378-2261 respectively).

Quotes from past HM Workshop participants:

  • “Applying the principles of Holistic Management demonstrated to me that sustainability can become a reality, not just a theory.”
    –Joel Huesby, Thundering Hooves Ranch
  • “We have used budgets and financial planning for years, but the Holistic Management approach starting with a profit goal has really worked for us.”
    -Dick and Terry Carkner, Terry’s Berries, Tacoma Wash.

Sponsored by San Juan Islands Conservation District, WSU San Juan County
Extension and the San Juan County Agricultural Resources Committee.

Extension programs and employment are available to all without discrimination. Evidence of noncompliance may be reported through your local Extension office or to the WSU Center for Human Rights. Persons with disability requiring special accommodation can request accommodation at the time of registration. If accommodation is not requested in advance, we cannot guarantee availability on site.

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