Hoffmann's watercolors, including "Cloudless" will be on display at the Orcas Center during the month of July.

Watercolorist Tom Hoffmann will be exhibiting his work at the Orcas Center Gallery from July 1 to August 2.

Tom has been a watercolor painter and teacher for 40 years. He teaches three levels of watercolor at Gage Academy in Seattle plus workshops locally and internationally. He lives in Seattle and Lopez Island.

Tom paints from life in the city and remote landscapes of the Northwest. He has been painting on Lopez for 20 years. His work expresses an economy of means that allows each stroke to carry the maximum weight of information and meaning. Every stroke remains separately visible, which allows the viewer to see and understand how the illusion of space, light and substance came to be. Tom’s respect for both his subject and his medium are unmistakable.

Tom’s paintings have been shown in the Seattle Art Museum, Frye Museum, Tacoma Art Museum, Whatcom County Museum, The Copley Society of Boston and the Armory at Park Avenue in New York City. He was educated at Amherst College, MA and the University of London.

Tom’s work will be displayed at Orcas Center from July 1 – August 2. A reception will be held from 5 to 6:30 p.m.on Friday, July 1, and will include a special presentation by the artist.