Two local physicians are currently in discussions with Island Hospital (IH) managers about employment, Dr. Camille Fleming and Dr. Frank James. IH intends to hire a total of three physicians, and discussions with two or three other applicants are ongoing, according to IH CEO Charles Hall. He noted that Dr. Fleming has offered to stay through the transition period, and Dr. Shinstrom will also help. In addition, four IH physicians will be working with Orcas providers through April and early May: Drs. Les Conway, John Peterson, Kathy Garde, and Jason Hogge.

Hall also announced the hiring of three other local members of current practices. Physician Assistants Jennifer Utter and Karen Caley-Orr will be joining the new practice, as will Aaimee Johnson, who will become Clinic Manager. The overall staffing plan also calls for up to four nurse practitioners/physician assistants, one nurse supervisor, four RNs, four licensed practical nurses/medical assistants, two lab techs, and four patient appointment coordinators. A total of four providers (physicians and NPs/PAs) will be scheduled each weekday.

The Q&A session included many detailed questions on services, insurance, referrals, etc. IH plans to post a recording of the meeting soon, and the link will be noted in a future Orcasonian article.

Things that island residents can do before the transition date of April 1:

  • Sign release of information forms allowing the medical records from their current doctors to be transferred to IH. Forms for UW Medicine and Orcas Family Health Center are posted on the IH Orcas website, and should soon be available on both the UW and OFHC websites. Paper forms for mailing are available at both clinics and at IH. This step is necessary even if patients are already registered at IH.
  • Begin making appointments at the new practice as of March 15.
  • Set up patient portals at IH. Through the portal patients can do things such as contact their providers, view lab results, and schedule appointments. More information available HERE.
  • Participate in many IH classes and events, listed HERE as well as on theOrcasonian.

The next Community Briefing is scheduled for March 18; the focus will be access to care, including after-hours care.